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Aspirin or longer life for some patients with colon cancer
Update time:2017-12-13 19:19:26   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

A Dutch study has shown that taking small doses of aspirin may help to prolong the survival of some patients with colon cancer.

Leiden university medical center researchers underwent surgery between 2001 and 2007, 1000 patients with colon cancer observation analysis, 183 patients found aspirin mortality rate is only 37.2%, did not take aspirin, 817 patients mortality was 48.7%.According to the data, aspirin has certain benefits for colon cancer patients.

Further analysis showed that the adjuvant treatment of aspirin was "most effective" if there was a specific antigen called hla-i in the cancer tissue of colon cancer patients. Conversely, it may not work. Therefore, for patients diagnosed with colon cancer and tumor expression hla-i antigen, the use of aspirin can improve their life expectancy



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