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Novel compounds inhibit cervical cancer
Update time:2018-05-31 18:54:23   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


    Japanese researchers recently reported that they had invented a compound that inhibits cervical cancer and that they have confirmed efficacy in animal experiments. The next plan is to conduct clinical trials during the year.

    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer. Researchers at Kyoto University and other institutions in Japan recently published a paper in the American academic journal Clinical Cancer Research. They said that they invented a compound called FIT-039. In experiments using cervical epithelial cells in patients with cervical cancer, Compounds can inhibit viral proliferation.

    The team conducted an animal experiment, transplanted human cervical cancer cells into experimental mice, and fed with this compound. It was found that it also inhibited cancer cell proliferation in mice. After 3 weeks, compared with the control group, the proliferation rate of the experimental mice fed with the drug was reduced by 30%, and no side effects occurred.

    Researchers believe that this compound may be a new option for preventing cervical cancer. In the future, they will also confirm their impact on reproductive function. They plan to conduct clinical trials on early cervical cancer patients in 2018.

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