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Apple peel extract can delay the aging process
Update time:2018-08-03 02:01:33   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


    According to the latest issue of Nature Medicine, researchers of Senolytics improve physical function and increase lifespan in old age have found that the combination of dasatinib (a leukemia drug) and quercetin (a extract from apple skin) can make life in older mice Extended by 36%.

    Aging cells usually appear in the human body in their 60s, but appear earlier in obese or chronically ill patients. These abnormal cells are in a state of decline, but they are not willing to die. Some people think that aging cells themselves can catalyze the aging process.

    The research team proved that this is indeed the case. When the researchers injected small amounts of senescent cells into 6-month-old mice, their speed, endurance, and strength dropped by 20% to 50% in a few weeks, almost the same level as a typical 2-year-old mouse.

    To block the effects of aging cells, the team chose a combination of dasatinib and quercetin because both would interfere with the way aging cells avoid death. When the research team administered a combination of drugs to young mice that were aged by infusion into senescent cells, the physical capacity lost by these mice recovered between 50% and 100% in two weeks.

    When the research team administered drugs to older mice between the ages of 24 and 27 months, the speed, endurance and strength of these mice increased by 30% to 100%, and their remaining life was smaller than those who did not. The mouse is 36% long.

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