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Clearance of senescent glial cells is expected to treat Alzheimer disease
Update time:2018-09-26 18:43:09   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

    In a new study, it is reported that in a mouse model of brain disease, senescent cells accumulate in their brains before cognitive loss. By preventing the accumulation of these aging cells, they are able to reduce tau protein accumulation, neuronal death and memory loss. The results of the study were published on September 19, 2018 in the Nature, entitled "Aging glial cells prevent tau-dependent pathology and cognitive decline."

    It is known that senescent cells accumulate in sites associated with aging diseases (including osteoarthritis and atherosclerosis) and neurodegenerative diseases (including Alzheimer and Parkinson) as they age. In previous studies, the researchers have found that removing senescent cells from naturally aged mice prolongs their healthy lifespan.

    The new study used a mouse model that mimicked Alzheimer. They produce sticky, spider-like tau protein tangles in their neurons and after gene was modified, their senescent cells can be cleared.When senescent cells were removed, they found that the diseased mice maintained the ability to form memory and eliminate signs of inflammation, did not produce neurofibrillary tangles, and maintained normal brain quality. They also reported that drug intervention to remove senescent cells can regulate the accumulation of tau protein.

    In addition, the researchers was able to identify specific cell types that are senescent. When the brain tissue was observed under a microscope, they found two different types of brain cells called microglia and astrocytes to age. These cells are important proponents of neuronal health and signaling, so it makes sense that aging of any of these cells can have a negative impact on neuronal health.

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