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Healthy infant intestinal bacteria protect against food allergy
Update time:2019-04-15 22:56:59   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

    Life-threatening food allergies strikingly increase around the world especially in Westernized societies. One hypothesis to explain this rising prevalence is that lifestyle practices in the twenty-first century, including misuse of antibiotics, dietary changes, and higher rates of Caesarean birth and formula feeding have altered intestinal bacterial communities; early-life alterations may be particularly detrimental.
    Latest study found that intestinal bacteria are critical for regulating allergic responses to dietary antigens and suggest that interventions that modulate bacterial communities may be therapeutically relevant for food allergy.
    The researchers in the United States colonized germ-free mice with feces from healthy or cow's milk allergic (CMA) infants. They found that germ-free mice colonized with bacteria from healthy, but not CMA, infants were protected against anaphylactic responses to a cow's milk allergen. Differences in bacterial composition separated the healthy and CMA populations in both the human donors and the colonized mice. Healthy and CMA colonized mice also exhibited unique transcriptome signatures in the ileal epithelium. Correlation of ileal bacteria with genes upregulated in the ileum of healthy or CMA colonized mice identified a clostridial species, Anaerostipes caccae, which protected against an allergic response to food.

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