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Significance of fatty acid binding protein in early diagnosis of Intestinal Ischemia
Update time:2019-09-02 18:49:59   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Fatty acid binding protein (FABP), a member of the cytoplasmic fatty acid binding protein family, is widely distributed in mammalian cardiac muscle, small intestine, liver and other tissue cells, and has different types in different tissues.
FABP was isolated from the gut for the first time, accounting for 2% of intestinal protein. With the in-depth understanding of FABP, it is found that multiple FABPs can be expressed in the same cell. For example, two FABPs can be expressed in intestinal tissues: intestinal type (I-FABP) and liver type (l-FABP). I/ l-FABP is mainly expressed in villi cells. The basic function of FABP is to promote the transport of long-chain fatty acids in cells, and its binding with long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) is 1:1. FABP also plays a role in regulating gene expression by mediating fatty acid transduction signals to peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR), and plays a protective role in myocardium with high concentration of LCFA.
Among various intestinal diseases, I-FABP is of great significance for the early diagnosis of intestinal diseases such as acute intestinal ischemia, graft rejection, necrotizing enteritis, etc. Although I/ l-FABP cannot be detected in the serum of normal people, when intestinal mucosa is injured, I-FABP is released into the blood, leading to the increase of plasma I-FABP concentration. Serum I-FABP was identified by ELISA as a sensitive and specific biochemical marker for intestinal mucosal injury. I-FABP can not only be detected in peripheral bleeding after intestinal injury, but also has a good correlation with the degree of intestinal ischemia. Therefore, I-FABP is a sensitive indicator of early intestinal ischemia.

Although I-FABP is increasingly applied in the diagnosis of intestinal ischemia, there is no further study on whether it can be used as an intermediate molecule to prevent and improve intestinal mucosal barrier injury.
E2204m, an ELISA kit developed by EIAab (Wuhan) Science co., LTD., is a readily available microwave strip ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) kit for the analysis of the presence of lysins and metalloproteinases 30(fatty acid binding protein, liver) in biological samples. The concentration gradients of the kit standards or positive controls render a theoretical kit detection range in biological research samples containing Fatty acid-binding protein, liver. The ELISA analytical biochemical technique of the E2204m kit is based on Fatty acid-binding protein, liver antibody-Fatty acid-binding protein, liver antigen interactions (immunosorbency) and an HRP colorimetric detection system to detect Fatty acid-binding protein, liver antigen targets in samples.
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