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Renal Microvascular Injury in Chronic Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy and Protective Effects of Cozaar
Update time:2012-03-12 10:44:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Background: To investigate the renal microvascular injury in chronic aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN) and the protective effects of Cozaar.

Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into three groups. Rats in the model group received Caulis Aristolochiae manshuriensis (CAM) decoction by gavage (10 mL/kg/day); those in the Cozaar group were gavaged with CAM and Cozaar (33.3 mg/kg/day); and those in the control group only received an equal daily volume of saline solution by gavage. Kidney tissues were observed under a light and electron microscope. CD34,
caspase-3, and bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7) were determined by immunohistochemistry, and expressions of angiopoietin (Ang) 1 and 2, Tie-2, BMP-7, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA were monitored via real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Results: (1) The kidney tissue injury in the chronic AAN model group was apparent, compared to the normal structure in the normal control group, and the Cozaar group showed relieved injury. (2) The expression of caspase-3 in the model group was elevated, while expressions of BMP-7 and CD34 were
decreased (p < 0.05). Cozaar lessened caspase-3 expression (p < 0.05) and promoted BMP-7 and CD34 expressions (p < 0.05). (3) Real-time PCR demonstrated a downregulation of Ang-1, Tie-2, BMP-7, and VEGF mRNA (p < 0.05) and an upregulation of Ang-2 mRNA (p < 0.01) in the renocortex, while Cozaar upregulated the expression of Ang-1, Tie-2, BMP-7, and VEGF mRNA (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: Renal microvascular injury was observed in chronic AAN, which was hypothetically correlated with a lack in the expressions of Ang-1, BMP-7, Tie-2, and VEGF and an excess in caspase-3 and Ang-2. Cozaar can significantly ameliorate the renal microvascular injury and protect renal function.

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Source:Renal Failure      by Y Wang, W Fu, H Wang, et al.
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