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Effect of Olive Oil Supplementation on PAI-1 Expression in Old Rats
Update time:2013-01-22 22:01:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Although Mediterranean diet has grown worldwide due to its link with lower cardiovascular disease rate and greater longevity, the effect of olive oil,which is the principal component of Mediterranean diet, on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) concentrations in aged rats is not clear. This study was performed on 28 aged male Wistar albino rats allocated into 2 groups:1- Olive oil-treated group (14 rats), 2-Control group (14rats). Results: Using Real Time-PCR, the expression of PAI-1 mRNA in the retroperitoneal adipose tissues was decreased significantly in the olive oil treated group versus the control group (32.36%±15.97 versus 100%±6.04 respectively, p< 0.01). In parallel, the plasma concentrations of PAI-1 were reduced significantly in the olive oil treated group versus the control group (3.14±1.07 versus 7.16±0.76 respectively, p<0.01). Olive oil produced significant decrease in mean serum cholesterol in aged rats (76.32±9.18 mg/dl in the treated group versus 84.03±7.15 mg/dl in the control group, P<0.05) and triglycerides (40.73±12.52 mg/dl in the treated group versus 61.17±5.52 mg/dl in the control group, P<0.01). No significant difference was seen in mean serum LDL-cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol levels between both groups (31.06±4.88 and 36.5±5.61 mg/dl in the treated group versus 32.24±2.07 and 36.57±5.07 mg/dl in the control group respectively). As regards the BMI, no change was observed after olive oil intake. Conclusion: Our results indicate that olive oil intake may reduce the cardiovascular risk in old age via decreasing PAI-1 at level of gene expression.

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Source:Journal of American Science      by Manal L Louka, Haidy Z Habib, Magda H M Youssef, Noha A H Nassef
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