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Blockade of advanced glycation end product formation attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats
Update time:2018-11-08 16:51:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Background: Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have been proposed to be involved in pulmonary fibrosis, but its role in this process has not been fully understood. To investigate the role of AGE formation in pulmonary fibrosis, we used a bleomycin (BLM)-stimulated rat model treated with aminoguanidine (AG), a crosslink inhibitor of AGE formation.

Methods: Rats were intratracheally instilled with BLM (5 mg/kg) and orally administered with AG (40, 80, 120 mg/kg) once daily for two weeks. AGEs level in lung tissue was determined by ELISA and pulmonary fibrosis was evaluated by Ashcroft score and hydroxyproline assay. The expression of heat shock protein 47 (HSP47), a collagen specific molecular chaperone, was measured with RTPCR and Western blot. Moreover, TGFb1 and its downstream Smad proteins were analyzed by Western blot.

Results: AGEs level in rat lungs, as well as lung hydroxyproline content and Ashcroft score, was significantly enhanced by BLM stimulation, which was abrogated by AG treatment. BLM significantly increased the expression of HSP47 mRNA and protein in lung tissues, and AG treatment markedly
decreased BLM-induced HSP47 expression in a dose-dependent manner (p < 0.05). In addition, AG dose-dependently downregulated BLM-stimulated overexpressions of TGFb1, phosphorylated (p)-Smad2 and p-Smad3 protein in lung tissues.

Conclusion: These findings suggest AGE formation may participate in the process of BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis, and blockade of AGE formation by AG treatment attenuates BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats, which is implicated in inhibition of HSP47 expression and TGFb/Smads

Cited products
Source:Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology      by L Chen, T Wang, X Wang, et al.
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