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Effect of vitamin E and selenium separately and in combination on biochemical, immunological and histological changes induced by sodium azide in...
Update time:2016-12-19 22:28:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Effect of vitamin E and selenium separately and in combination on biochemical, immunological and histological changes induced by sodium azide in male mice


Sodium azide (SA) is used as an active ingredient to control a broad spectrum of soil borne pathogens including insects, weeds, nematodes, fungi, and bacteria. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ameliorator property of vitamin E (Vit E) or/and selenium (Se) against SA-induced injury in male mice at the biochemical, immunological and histological levels. The mice were divided into nine groups (10/group). The first three groups were served as control, Vit E and Se while, the second three groups were treated with three different doses of SA. The last three groups were treated with high dose of SA with Vit E or Se or Vit E and Se and all animals were treated for a period of 30 days. Exposure to SA at the three doses to mice led to an alternation of liver and kidney functions, decrease the testosterone concentration, decreased IgG and IgM levels as well as the increasing the TNF-α. The effects of SA on the biochemical parameters of mice were dose-dependent. Administration of Se or/and Vit E to SA-treated mice attenuates the toxicity of this compound, objectified by biochemical and histological improvement of liver, kidney and testis. But, the alleviation is more pronounced with the both antioxidants. Thus, the synergistic effect of Se and Vit E is most powerful in reducing the toxicity induced by SA and improving the humoral immune response of mice.

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Source:Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology      by El-Shenawy N S, AL-Harbi M S, Hamza R Z.
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