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Increased Activity of the Intracardiac Oxytocinergic System in the Development of Postinfarction Heart Failure
Update time:2016-12-12 19:23:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Aim. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that the development of postinfarction heart failure is associated with a change of activity of the intracardiac oxytocinergic system. Methods. Experiments were performed on male Sprague-Dawley rats subjected to myocardial infarction or sham surgery. Four weeks after the surgery, blood samples were collected and the samples of the left ventricle (LV) and right ventricle (RV) were harvested for evaluation of the mRNA expression (RT-PCR) of oxytocin (OT), oxytocin receptor (OTR), natriuretic peptides, and the level of OT and OTR protein (ELISA). The concentration of N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide was measured to determine the presence of heart failure. Results. Plasma NT-proBNP concentration was higher in the infarcted rats. In the infarcted rats, the expression of OT mRNA and the OT protein level were higher in the RV. There were no significant differences between infarcted and noninfarcted rats in the expression of OT mRNA and in the OT protein level in the fragments of the LV. In both the left and the right ventricles, OTR mRNA expression was lower but the level of OTR protein was higher in the infarcted rats. Conclusions. In the present study, we indicate that postinfarction heart failure is associated with an increased activity of the intracardiac oxytocinergic system.


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Source:BioMed Research International      by Wsol A, Kasarello K, Kuch M, et al.
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