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Mutant hypoxia inducible factor-1α improves angiogenesis and tissue perfusion in ischemic rabbit skeletal muscle
Update time:2016-12-19 23:04:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) is one of the most potent angiogenic growth factors. It regulates genes involved in angiogenesis, but is inactivated rapidly by normoxia. Ad-HIF-1α-Trip was constructed by transforming Pro402, Pro564, and Asn803 in HIF-1α to alanine in order to delay degradation and create a constitutive transcriptional activator. In this study, we investigated whether Ad-HIF-1α-Trip could induce functional mature angiogenesis and the possible mechanisms involved. We found that Ad-HIF-1α-Trip increased the expression of multiple angiogenic genes in cultured HMVEC-Ls, including VEGF, PLGF, PAI-1, and PDGF. In a rabbit model of acute hind limb ischemia, Ad-HIF-1α-Trip improved tissue perfusion and collateral vessels, as measured by contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEU), CT angiography, and vascular casting. Ad-HIF-1α-Trip also produced more histologically identifiable capillaries, which were verified by immunostaining, compared with controls. Interestingly, inhibition of CBP/p300 by curcumin prevented HIF-1α from inducing the expression of several angiogenic genes. The present study suggests that Ad-HIF-1α-Trip can induce mature angiogenesis and improve tissue perfusion in ischemic rabbit skeletal muscle. CBP/p300, which interacts with the transactivation domains of HIF-1α, is important for HIF-1α-induced transcription of angiogenic genes.

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Source:Microvasc Res      by M Li, C Liu, J Bin, et al.
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