ELISA kit reagents
We would like to order the following ELISA. However, before that please inform us of the following information. 1) Thimerosal: If your ELISA kit reagents are containing this chemical please inform us of which reagents are containing and those concentration. 2) Sodium azide : If your ELISA kit reagents are containing this chemical please inform us of which reagents are containing and those concentration. 3) 2-mercaptoethanol : If your ELISA kit reagents are containing this chemical please inform us of which reagents are containing and those concentration.
Ask by customer   |  Tue, 10 Mar, 2015
1 Answers from the Community
Dear customer,Thank you for your email.As regarding to your question,please refer to the MSDS,you will find the composition for the reagents.The kit reagents are not considered to be hazardous.If you need any further information,please contact us as free.
Answered by star   |  Thu, 12 Mar, 2015  |  
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