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How to use EIAab search tools for products you want
Update time:2014-09-25 00:15:17   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

How to search for products you want:

Please type in any words relating to the products, such as gene name, protein name, synonym, abbreviation or catalog number in the search box and click the “Search” button.

If the above results are not you want, please try to use less keywords:

The catalog numbers excluding the species name such as 0064, E0064 (Cat No.E0064h) or only the key words of a protein name, for example, TD26 (Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein TD26) are also effective.

Please note:

  1. Only one product can be searched at a time
  2. It’s not recommended to use the combination of catalog number and protein name. In other words, a very specific name in your search may not work.


How to get detail information on a product page:

Click any title in the navigation bar to get the information you need:

Different product types or species could be searched in the below box:

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