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Deletion of the Ago2 gene prevents obesi......

Obesity and obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and liver disease, constitute a major burden on global hea......

Wed, 13 Nov, 2019


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  • ABSTRACTInhibitors of DNA binding IDs antagonize basichelix-loop-helix bHLH transcription factors to......

    by Samuel A. Williams, Heather L. Maecker, Dorothy M. French, Jinfeng Liu, Andrew Gregg, Leah B. Silverstein, Tim C. Cao, Richard A.D. Carano, and Vishva M. Dixit
  • AbstractArticular cartilage dysfunctions are major cause of pain and disability, and lead to serious......

    by Marycz K, Marędziak M, Grzesiak J, et al.
  • AbstractVery little is known about the mechanisms by which malignant ascites modulates the cancer-pr......

    by D Szpurek, P Uruski, S Szubert, et al.
  • Abstract Regular exercise plays an important preventive and therapeutic role in heart and vascular ......

    by Zembron-Lacny A, Dziubek W, Rynkiewicz M, et al.
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