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Multiplex detection of tumor markers with photonic suspension array
Update time:2012-03-09 15:32:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

A novel photonic suspension array was developed for multiplex immunoassay. The carries of this array were silica colloidal crystal beads (SCCBs). The codes of these carriers are the characteristic reflection peak originated from their structural periodicity, and therefore they do not suffer from fading, bleaching, quenching, and chemical instability. In addition, because no dyes or materials related with fluorescence are included, the fluorescence background of SCCBs is very low. With a sandwich format, the proposed suspension array was used for simultaneous multiplex detection of tumor markers in one test tube. The results showed that the four tumor markers, -fetoprotein (AFP), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), carcinoma antigen 125 (CA 125) and carcinoma antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) could be assayed in the ranges of 1.0–500 ngmL?1, 1.0–500 ngmL?1, 1.0–500UmL?1 and 3.0–500UmL?1 with limits of detection of 0.68ngmL?1, 0.95 ngmL?1, 0.99UmL?1 and 2.30UmL?1 at 3, respectively. The proposed array showed acceptable accuracy,detection reproducibility, storage stability and the results obtainedwere inacceptable agreement with those from parallel single-analyte test of practical clinical sera. This technique provides a new strategy for low cost, automated, and simultaneous multiplex immunoassay. 

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Source:Analytica Chimica Acta      by Y Zhao, X Zhao, X Pei , et al.
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