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Antibodies-online vist EIAab
Update time:2013-10-20 22:30:12   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Antibodies-online vist EIAab Company
On October 11th, EIAab warmly welcomed the visit of our Germany agent--- antibodies-online GmbH, President Dr. Andreas kessell, Marketing director Philippe Eckerle, Administrative Jane Kolbert and China reginal director Gang Han. The two sides launched a cordial and friendly negotiation and business exchange. While reached agreements on building ELAab into an international brand in ELISA KIT scientific research industry, recommending to establish an international third-party quality certification authority of laboratory jointly and coming out a way of INDEPENDENT VALIDATION's endorsement, the two sides provided a best 48h solutions for problems on delayed after-sales services because of jet lag and long time consuming problem of experiment review.     


                                                   Reported by EIAAB SCIENCE INC, WUHAN on October 14th,2013

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