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ELISA Applied training
Update time:2018-08-01 20:13:58   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


    On the morning of July 31, 2018, EIAAB SCIENCE INC, WUHAN held a successful training about the application of ELISA kit.

    Zhang Ting who is a member of the technology department mainly introduced the following three aspects to the company personnel: 1. Basic components of the ELISA Kit; 2. Application of ELISA Kit in biomedical science; 3. Application of ELISA in other fields. It mainly consists of three parts of ELISA test, as well as basic knowledge such as different classification according to the analysis principle. Examples are given to explain the applications of ELISA kit, which greatly strengthens the understanding of sales personnel and further clarifies the work content.

    When Zhang Ting explained the related methods of the ELISA kit, everyone listened carefully and also actively participated in the communication. At the end of the presentation, the company personnel asked their own questions and Zhang Ting fluently answered all the questions. And we believe that the spirit and attitude of keeping improving in work with every personnel will certainly make the company go further!

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