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Vitamin D supplements may slow the progression of type 2 diabetes
Update time:2019-08-06 19:15:20   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

A study published in Cell reveals that vitamin D supplementation may slow the progression of type 2 diabetes because vitamin D improves glucose metabolism and helps prevent the development and progression of diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that places a huge burden on patients and society and can lead to serious health problems, including nerve damage, blindness and kidney failure. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is often determined by several risk factors, such as obesity and family history. In some studies, there was no data linking low vitamin D levels to diabetes risk. In particular, these Numbers are small and not representative.
In the study, Matthew Smith, PhD, of Duke University, and colleagues looked at whether vitamin D supplementation had an effect on glucose metabolism in people at high risk for type 2 diabetes or diabetes. Insulin function and glucose metabolism were measured before and after vitamin D supplementation. Thirty-six percent of the participants had low levels of vitamin D at the start of the study, but when vitamin D supplementation was remeasured three months later, insulin function increased significantly.
At the same time, no improvement in glucose metabolism was detected, possibly because of improvements in metabolic function or longer treatment periods to see benefits.
Dr. Matthew Smith suggests that future studies should evaluate whether vitamin D supplementation is a response to individual factors. But before doing so, people at high risk for type 2 diabetes or diabetes should be advised to follow certain vitamin D supplements.

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