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Too much coffee can trigger migraines
Update time:2019-08-29 18:44:08   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Drinking three or more caffeinated drinks a day can trigger migraines, according to a new study published in the American journal of medicine. The results were consistent even after controlling for daily changes in alcohol intake, stress, sleep and other related factors.
"According to our study, two caffeinated drinks a day cannot be said to be unrelated to the onset of migraines, but three or more doses may be associated with a higher incidence of headaches," said lead researcher Frank Bullard. Migraine is a disabling primary headache, a common pain disorder affecting about 500 million people worldwide. In addition, limited scientific evidence suggests that migraines can also be triggered by weather or lifestyle factors, such as sleep disturbances and stress.
About 85 percent of Americans consume about 183 milligrams of caffeine a day. Although caffeine is an important trigger for migraines, the effect depends on the dose and frequency. So caffeine can cause illness, but it also has an analgesic effect.
The researchers analyzed data from 78 adults with sporadic migraines. Participants completed records twice a day for six weeks, reporting their intake of caffeinated beverages, as well as lifestyle factors and the timing and characteristics of migraines. The study compared the incidence of migraines and the number of days each participant consumed caffeinated beverages. The data showed that participants typically experienced an average of three headaches a month and 65 per cent of headache sufferers drank three or more cups a day. The results showed that the effect of caffeinated beverages on headache risk was significant when taken three or more times during the day. Further studies are needed to examine the potential effects of caffeine on subsequent onset of symptoms in the next few hours and the interactions between sleep, caffeine, environmental factors and migraine headaches.

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