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Characterization of the specific and sustained GH1 expression induced by rAAV2/1 in normal adult male rats
Update time:2012-10-26 00:28:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Our aim was to investigate the long-term effects of intramuscular injection of rAAV2/1-CMV-GH1 viral particles on GH1 expression in normal adult male rats. We found that specific and sustained GH1 expression did not improve muscle exercise performance despite inducing local muscle hypertrophy. Injection of rAAV2/1-CMV-GH1 had some systemic effects on the liver and heart and on lipid metabolism in the healthy rats. Serum levels of hGH (human growth hormone), insulin, glucose and leptin increased significantly, which might induce insulin resistance. The serum concentration of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), IGF-BP3 (insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3) and PIIINP (N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen) markedly increased at 24 weeks after injection of GH1 . In conclusion, GH1 expression driven by AAV2/1 in normal animals did not improve muscle strength but did increase muscle mass and may have systemic effects in healthy animals.

Keywords:GH1 expression , Normal adult male rats ,Muscle mass, muscle strength, Systemic effects, GH gene therapy abus

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Source:Mol Biol Rep      by Y Qin, Y P Tian.
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