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Experimental osteoarthritis induced by surgical realignment of the patella in BALB/c mice
Update time:2018-11-09 09:33:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

The patellofemoral joint is an important source of symptoms in osteoarthritis of the knee. We have used a newly designed surgical model of patellar strengthening to induce osteoarthritis in BALB/c mice and to establish markers by investigating the relationship
between osteoarthritis and synovial levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Osteoarthritis was induced by using this microsurgical technique under direct vision without involving the cavity of the knee. Degeneration of cartilage was assessed by the Mankin score and synovial tissue was used to determine the mRNA expression levels of MMPs. Irrigation fluid from the knee was used to measure the concentrations of MMP-3 and MMP-9. Analysis of cartilage degeneration was correlated with the levels of expression of MMP.
After operation the patellofemoral joint showed evidence of mild osteoarthritis at eight weeks and further degenerative changes by 12 weeks. The level of synovial MMP-9 mRNA correlated with the Mankin score at eight weeks, but not at 12 weeks. The levels of MMP-2,
MMP-3 and MMP-14 mRNA correlated with the Mankin score at 12 weeks. An increase in MMP-3 was observed from four weeks up to 16 weeks. MMP-9 was notably increased at eight weeks, but the concentration at 16 weeks had decreased to the level observed at four
Our observations suggest that MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-14 could be used as markers of the progression of osteo-arthritic change.

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Source:Journal of bone and joint surgery-british volume      by WT Chia, RY Pan, FJ Tseng, et al.
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