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Maintaining good heart health can reduce the risk of dementia
Update time:2019-08-21 18:45:51   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Good cardiovascular health may reduce the risk of dementia later in life, according to new research published in the American journal of medicine. Dementia is a progressive disease that can develop 10 to 15 years before the onset of symptoms, so it is important to identify the factors that can cause its onset.
The American heart association has issued its first guidelines on cardiovascular disease. The guidelines are designed to improve diet and lifestyle through seven indicators, which could also be a potential tool for preventing dementia. To prove the point, a team of researchers at the national institutes of health and medicine collected cardiovascular data from 8,000 50-year-old men and women in the United States to examine the impact of their social behaviors and life factors on their health. Participants had no cardiovascular disease or dementia at age 50, but 387 cases were diagnosed with dementia during the following 25 years of follow-up. After taking into account other factors, the researchers found that adults who adhered to the health guidelines had a significantly reduced risk of dementia later in life. However, this study has limitations because it is an observational study and may have inaccurate self-reported measurements that ultimately lead to dementia patients missing out.
The researchers said: 'our results suggest that the risk of dementia after age 50 depends largely on cardiovascular health. To promote cognitive health, reducing cardiovascular risk should be an important strategic defense goal.

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