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Deletion of the Ago2 gene prevents obesi......

Obesity and obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and liver disease, constitute a major burden on global hea......

Wed, 13 Nov, 2019


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  • AbstractDespite the effectiveness of renin-angiotensin blockade in retarding diabetic nephropathy pr......

    by D Sanajou, H Argani, L Roshangar, et al.
  • Abstract Context and Objective. We have studied the antitumor activity of a pyrazolo[3,4......

    by A Antonelli, G Bocci, P Fallahi, et al.
  • Abstract Introduction: Glycyrrhizin GL was recently found to suppress the HMGB1-induced injury by b......

    by Wei Wang, Feng Zhao, Yong Fang, Xiantao Li, Lei Shen, Tongwa Cao, Hechen Zhu
  • AbstractGingerol is a major dietary compound that occurs in several plants belonging to the Zing......

    by Ali M. El H, Nesrine S. EL S, Hossam M.A, et al.
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