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New Insight on a Combination of Policosanol and 10-Dehydrogingerdione Phytochemicals as Inhibitors for Platelet Activation Biomarkers and Atherogenicity Risk in Dyslipidemic Rabbits: Role of CETP and PCSK9 Inhibition
Update time:2018-05-25 14:11:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Platelet markers [soluble p selectin (sP-selectin) and soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L)] are associated with platelet activation and cardiovascular risk. Both policosanol and 10-dehydrogingerdione are natural products with proven CETP inhibitory and antiatherogenic effects. Present work aimed mainly to investigate the levels of platelet activation biomarkers in the serum of dyslipidemic rabbits and the potential of these phytochemicals either alone or in a combination form to protect against atherogenicity. Additionally, this work clarified their effect on PCSK9, a key player in atherosclerosis progression. Daily administration of policosanol and/or 10-dehydrogingerdione at a dose level 10 mg/kg bw resulted in a CETP inhibitory activity, increasing HDL-C level. This protective effect was associated with improvement in lipid profile components and a reduction in PCSK9 level. Interestingly, this combination strengthened the CETP inhibitory activity of these phytochemicals, leading to a greater increase in serum HDL-C level than monotherapy. However, this combination did not enhance the reduction in PCSK9 level. Both drugs also decreased platelet activation and inflammation markers such as sCD40L, sP-selectin, and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and their combination showed a synergistic effect. Therefore, such phytochemicals may be regarded as promising agents in the protection against atherothrombosis risk.



Atherogenesis CETP Dyslipidemia PCSK9 Policosano

Cited products
Source:Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology      by M M Elseweidy, R Amin, R R El-Zeiky, et al.
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