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Genetic polymorphism of angiotensin converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptors and their impact on the outcome of acute coronary syndrome
Update time:2019-06-26 19:48:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


This study aims to investigate the impact of ACE (rs4343) and AT1R (rs 5182) genetic polymorphisms on the outcome of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients on captopril. Two hundred and fifty participants with ACS were included in this study (Group 1 (120) participants on captopril 25?mg twice daily and Group 2 (130) participants received no captopril (control study)). Participants were genotyped for ACE (rs4343) and AT1R (rs5182) polymorphisms and the phenotype was determined. ACE polymorphism (rs 4343) GG and GA genotypes are more related to STEMI (OR?=?1.7, 1.5 respectively) and NSTEMI (OR?=?3, 3.8 respectively), and they were more prone to have Percutaneous Coronary Intervention after ACS attack (OR?=?11.6, 14.1 respectively).

AT1R (rs 5182) CT genotype is mildly associated with STEMI (OR?=?1.1), but also prone to have PCI after ACS attack (OR?=?1.6) while TT genotype has a risk to get less improvement (OR?=?1.8).

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Source:Genomics      by F A. Ghafil, B I. Mohammad, H S. Al-Janabi, et al.
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