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Evaluation of Ovarian Reserve after Laparoscopic Surgery in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Update time:2012-10-26 01:02:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Introduction:Ovarian reserve depends on the size and quality of oocytes stored in ovary.Aging and some diseases reduce ovarian reserve,leading to decreased reproductive performance.Laparoscopic surgery is used to treat infertility in women with PCOS. The purpose of this study was measurement of ovaria n reserve in patients with PCOS before and after laparoscopic surgery .

Methods: In this study thirty infertile patients  with  PCOS that had not responded to initial treatment with drug were selected. We assessed the serum levels of anti-mullerian hormone,testosterone,luteinizing hormone(LH),and the number of antral follicles  before laparoscopic surgery and 1 week, 3 and 6 months after the surgery.

Results:The average amount of anti- mullerian hormone serum levels was 8. 4±4.7 before laparoscopic surgery and 7.5±4.5, 7±4.5, and 7.7±4.4 ng/ml one week, 3 and 6 months after surgery,respectively. Serum levels of LH  was 13.6±6.7 and 12.7±11.1 IU /ml(P=0.87)before surgery and 6 months after laparoscopy ,respectively. Mean serum testosterone levels were 0.9±0.8,0.8±0.9 ng/ml(P=0.86) before and after surgery .Annual reproductive rate was 26.7 percent in this population.

Conclusion:Laparoscopic ovarian puncture didn’t change anti-mullerian hormone serum,testosterone and LH in women with PCOS and hence has no adverse effects on the ovarian reserve. 

Keywords:Ovarian Reserve,Laparoscopy,Anti-Mullerian Hormone,Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Cited products
Source:BioImpacts , 2012 , 2(3 ), 167-170      by Laya Farzadi,Mohammad Nouri,Morteza Ghojazadeh,Mona Mohiti,Esmat Aghadavod
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