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IL-34 is associated with obesity, chronic inflammation, and insulin resistance
Update time:2014-04-23 18:28:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small




IL-34 is a recently identified alternative ligand for colony-stimulating factor-1R (CSF-1R). IL-34 and CSF-1 are regulators of differentiation, proliferation, and survival in mononuclear phagocytes. Here, we investigated the IL-34 serum concentration and expression in human adipose tissues and any associations with insulin resistance.


We recruited 19 nondiabetic obese women, 9 type 2 diabetic women, and 27 normal-weight women. Metabolic parameters, abdominal fat distribution, serum IL-34 concentration, and IL-34 mRNA expression were measured in abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT). In addition, the expression/secretion and putative effects of IL-34 were assessed in human differentiated adipocytes. Serum IL-34 concentration was measured before and 5–9 months after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery was performed on the 20 obese patients.


Regardless of diabetes status, obese patients demonstrated significantly higher serum IL-34 concentrations than controls. Serum IL-34 was significantly and positively correlated with insulin resistance-related metabolic parameters. IL-34 mRNA was significantly higher in VAT than SAT. IL-34 was expressed in adipocytes as well as nonadipocytes, and expression was significantly higher during adipogenesis. In differentiated adipocytes, the expression/secretion of IL-34 was enhanced by TNFα and IL-1β. In addition, IL-34 augmented fat accumulation and inhibited the stimulatory effects of glucose transport. Moreover, serum IL-34 significantly decreased following RYGB-induced weight loss.


The present study demonstrates, for the first time, that IL-34 is expressed in human adipose tissues and the circulating concentration is significantly elevated in obese patients. This suggests that IL-34 is associated with insulin resistance.

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Source:The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism      by EJ Chang, SK Lee, YS Song, et al.
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