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Effects of high ambient temperature on lipid metabolism in finishing pigs
Update time:2019-06-05 23:18:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

In this study, we investigated the effects of high ambient temperature on lipid metabolism in finishing pigs. Sixteen pigs ((79.6±1.2) kg) were randomly assigned to two groups: (1) ambient temperature of 30°C with ad libitum access to feed (HT; n=8) and (2) ambient temperature of 22°C and fed the average amount consumed by eight pigs in HT group on the previous day (PF; n=8). After 21 days of constant exposure to different environmental conditions, all the pigs were euthanized, and blood and tissue samples were obtained. High ambient temperature increased the proportion of backfat (P=0.04, +21.6%) and flare fat (P

Keywords: β-hydroxyacyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase, lipoprotein lipase, lipogenesis, finishing pigs, high ambient temperature


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Source:Journal of Integrative Agriculture      by WU, Xin, et al.
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