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Antibodies-online distribution
Update time:2015-12-03 20:21:02   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

300 + new antibodies available immediately at antibodies-online

We’re pleased to announce our partner Antibodies-online, agree to distribute more than 300 novel, high-quality primary and secondary antibodies.

Our antibodies cover an exceptionally broad variety of antigenic targets and are useful for tools for investigating diverse research interests.

See more our antibodies or Elisa kits, here


Learn to shine! An introduction of    our antibody 

Rabbit Anti-Human α-Actinin Antibody

Catalog Number: P0376Rb-h

Immunogen: Syntheticpeptide-KLH

Ig type: rabbit IgG



Western blot analysis of α-actinin expression in A-673 (A) and SJRH30 (B) whole cell lysates and rat skeletal muscle extract (C).



Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed A-673 cells showing cytoplasmic staining.


Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human spleen tissue showing cytoplasmic and nuclear staining of cells in red pulp.

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