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Update time:2015-12-03 21:52:30   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

TP53一inducedglycolysis and apoptosis regulator gene,TIGAR

is p53 target genes regulating mitochondrial respiration and through a series of pathways mediated differentiation of tumor cells, is closely related to the development of a variety of solid tumors.

 TIGAR high expression enhanced the role of pentose phosphate pathway, NADPH increased , inhibitioned apoptosis , which conducived to tumor cell growth. TIGAR is described as a new protein can be induced by P53 regulating glycolysis and antioxidant effects。Because TIGAR as P53-dependent survival signals, is the cells DNA must which obtained opportunity repair process, therefore TIGA R has become the recent focus。TIGAR has two sides in solid tumors, on the one hand, TIGAR is activated to slow the life processes of all cells for repairing of damaged cells provides a time guarantee; on the other hand , the activated of TIGAR which originally to prevent further damage to the cells of the body can also lead role cancerous . All those make the TIGAR as a potential therapeutic target becomes possible.

Wuhan EIAab Science Co.,Ltd is strong in technology, product, dedicated to provide quality and reliable for all users of products. The TIGAR ELISA Kit for human (Cat No.E5948h) is high sensitivity and specificity.


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