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Exercise-Induced Activated Platelets Promote Neuronal Differentiation
Update time:2019-04-16 23:25:11   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

    When we exercise, the stem cells in the hippocampus divide and transform into new neurons, which improves memory. But it’s not clear why stem cells begin to divide and form new neurons after exercise. In other words, how does exercise change our brains?
    Researchers from University of Queensland and Dresden University of Technology identified the causes of brain function enhancement triggered by exercise.
    The study showed that many of the changes in the blood after exercise were related to platelets. Platelets cause neural stem cells to multiply and develop into neurons, and other types of cells are formed. Platelets are activated after acute periods of running, and that activated platelets promote neurogenesis, an effect that may be mediated by platelet factor 4. EX vivo, the beneficial effects of activated platelets and platelet factor 4 on neural precursor cells were dentate gyrus specific and not observed in the subventricular zone.
    Furthermore, the consumption of circulating platelets in mice eliminates the increase in precursor cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus following exercise. These findings suggest that platelets and their released factors can modulate adult neural precursor cells under physiological conditions and provide an interesting link between exercise-induced platelet activation and post-exercise regulation of neurogenesis.

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