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Increased Serum Romo1 Was Correlated with Lung Function, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Update time:2019-05-27 18:47:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with abnormal inflammation and high oxidative stress. Studies suggest that reactive oxygen species modulator 1 (Romo1) involve in diseases associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. However, the relationship between COPD and Romo1 is still not clear. In this study, we compared serum Romo1 in 49 COPD patients and 34 health controls, and their correlation with lung function, systematic inflammation, and oxidative stress. In addition, serum levels of Romo1, C-reactive protein (CRP), and oxidative stress (measured by reactive oxygen species, ROS) were analyzed using commercial kits. Serum Romo1 was significantly higher in COPD patients than that of control (132.24 ± 10.34 vs. 93.26 ± 7.75 pg/ml, P < 0.05). Serum CRP and ROS were also significantly higher in COPD patients. Serum Romo1 was correlated inversely with FEV1% predicted in COPD patients (? = − 0.347, ? = 0.016), while it was correlated positively with CRP and ROS levels, respectively. These results suggest that serum Romo1 increase in COPD patients and that these levels are associated with lung function, inflammation, and oxidative stress in COPD.

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Source:Inflammation      by L Ye, S Mao, J Zhang, et al.
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