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Effect of Repeatedly Heated Palm Olein on Blood Pressure–Regulating Enzymes Activity and Lipid Peroxidation in Rats
Update time:2019-04-15 10:38:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


    Background: Oxidative stress is associated with the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. The process of deep-fat frying in dietary cooking oil plays a role in the generation of free radicals. In this study, palm olein heated to 180 °C was tested for its effect on the activity of blood pressure–egulating enzymes and lipid peroxidation.
    Methods: Forty-two adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were equally assigned into 6 groups. The first group was fed with normal rat chow as the control group, and the subsequent groups were fed with rat chow fortified with 15% weight/weight of the following: fresh palm olein, palm olein heated once, palm olein heated twice, palm olein heated 5 times, or palm olein heated 10 times. The duration of feeding was 6 months. Fatty acid analyses of oil were performed using gas chromatography. Peroxide values were determined using standard titration. Plasma was collected for biochemical analyses.
    Results:  Repeatedly heated palm olein increased the levels of peroxide, angiotensinconverting enzyme, and lipid peroxidation as well as reduced the level of heme oxygenase. Fresh palm olein and palm olein heated once had lesser effects on lipid peroxidation and a better effect on the activity of blood pressure–regulating enzymes than repeatedly heated palm olein.
    Conclusion:  Repeatedly heated palm olein may negatively affect the activity of blood pressure–regulating enzymes and increase lipid peroxidation.

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Source:Malays J Med Sci      by Xin-Fang leonG;Jumat salimon;Mohd Rais musTafa;Kamsiah Jaarin
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