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Electroacupuncture improves cerebral blood flow and attenuates moderate ischemic injury via Angiotensin II its receptors-mediated mechanism in rats
Update time:2014-12-14 19:25:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


To investigate the effects and potential mechanism of electroacupuncture intervention on expressions
of Angiotensin II and its receptors-mediated signaling pathway in experimentally induced cerebral ischemia.


Totally 126 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into control group, model group and EA group. The
latter two were further divided into ten subgroups (n = 6) following Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (MCAO). Changes
in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and expressions of Angiotensin II and its receptors (AT1 R, AT2R), as well as
effector proteins in phosphatidyl inositol signal pathway were monitored before and at different times after MCAO.


 MCAO-induced decline of ipsilateral rCBF was partially suppressed by electroacupuncture, and contralateral
blood flow was also superior to that of model group. Angiotensin II level was remarkably elevated immediately after
MCAO, while electroacupuncture group exhibited significantly lower levels at 1 to 3 h and the value was significantly
increased thereafter. The enhanced expression of AT1 R was partially inhibited by electroacupuncture, while increased
AT2R level was further induced. Electroacupuncture stimulation attenuated and postponed the upregulated-expressions
of Gq and CaM these upregulations. ELISA results showed sharply increased expressions of DAG and IP3, which were
remarkably neutralized by electroacupuncture.


 MCAO induced significant increases in expression of Angiotensin II and its receptor-mediated signal
pathway. These enhanced expressions were significantly attenuated by electroacupuncture intervention, followed by
reduced vasoconstriction and improved blood supply in ischemic region, and ultimately conferred beneficial effects on
cerebral ischemia.

Cited products
Source:BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine      by Jing Li, Jiaojun He, Yuanhao Du, et al.
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