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Correlation of circulating betatrophin concentrations with insulin secretion capacity, evaluated by glucagon stimulation test
Update time:2016-09-19 00:20:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Aim To investigate the relationship between plasma betatrophin concentrations and insulin secretion capacity in people withType 2 diabetes.

Methods Glucagon stimulation tests (1mg) were performed in 70 people with Type 2 diabetes after an overnight fast. Plasma betatrophin concentrations were measured using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Insulin secretion capacity was evaluated by measuring increments of C-peptide concentration in response to glucagon stimulation, and creatinine clearance was determined by comparing creatinine concentrations in serum and 24-h urine samples.

Results Plasma betatrophin concentrations were positively correlated with duration of Type 2 diabetes(r=0.34, P=0.003), and negatively correlated within crements of C-peptide concentration (r=0.37,P=0.001) and creatinine clearance (r=0.37,P=0.001).The correlation with increments of C-peptide concentration remained significant after adjustment for age and duration of Type 2 diabetes (r=0.25,P=0.037). Multivariate analysis identified age and increments of C-peptide concentration as independent factors associated with plasma betatrophin levels.

Conclusion Plasma betatrophin levels inversely correlate with insulin secretion capacity, suggesting that betatrophin levels are regulated by insulin secretion capacity in humans.

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Source:Diabetes Medicine      by S Tokumoto, Y Hamamoto, K Fujimoto, et al.
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