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Comparison of antioxidant properties of different therapeutic albumin preparations
Update time:2016-07-28 01:08:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Albumin displays several important functions for homeostasis amongst which the maintenance of the plasma redox-state. The study aim was to compare the redox state of pharmaceutical human albumin preparations since it reflects the oxidation-reduction status of the surrounding environment. Using an array of analytical methods, four commercially available albumins were compared with respect to their structural characteristics (cobalt ion binding, glycation, spectrophotometric and fluorometric profiles) and their ability to scavenge hydroxyl, peroxyl or free radicals. The different albumins exhibited a similar structural profile as well as hydroxyl and peroxyl scavenging activities. By contrast, the albumin from LFB (Vialebex®) possessed a significantly higher capacity to transfer electrons to DPPH, as compared with other albumins that was correlated with the level of free cysteine-34.
Commercially available albumins differed for some of their antioxidant properties. The albumin preparation possessing the highest level of free cysteine-34 exhibited the highest antioxidant potential.


Cited products
Source:Biologicals      by Plantier J L, Duretz V, Devos V, et al.
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