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Effects of linoleate on cell viability and lipid metabolic homeostasis in goose primary hepatocytes
Update time:2012-03-01 13:12:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Studies have shown linoleate could not only promote cell viability but also affect lipid metabolism in mammals. However, towhat degree these effects aremediated by steatosis in goose primary hepatocytes is unknown. In this study, the effect of linoleate on the lipid metabolic homeostasis pathway was determined. We measured the mRNAlevels of genes involved in triglyceride synthesis, lipid deposition, β-oxidation, and assembly and secretion of VLDL-TGs in goose (Anser cygnoides) primary hepatocytes. Linoleate significantly increased goose hepatocyte viability, and linoleate at 0.125 mM, 0.25mM, 0.5 mM and 1.0 mM all showed a significant effect on TG accumulation. However, with increasing linoleate concentrations, the extracellular TG concentration and extracellular VLDL gradually decreased. DGAT1, DGAT2, PPARα, PPARγ, FoxO1, MTP, PLIN and CPT-1 mRNA was detected by real-time PCR. With increasing linoleate concentrations, the changes in DGAT1, DGAT2, PPARα and CPT-1 gene expression, which regulates hepatic TG synthesis and fatty acid oxidation, first increased and then decreased. Additionally, FoxO1 and MTP gene expression was reduced with increasing linoleate concentrations, and the change in PLIN gene expression was increased at all concentrations, similar to the regulation of intracellular TG accumulation. In conclusion, linoleate regulated TG accumulation and increased hepatocyte viability. The data suggest that linoleate does promote goose hepatocyte viability and steatosis, which may upregulate TG synthesis-relevant gene expression, suppress assembly and secretion of VLDL-TGs, and increase fatty acid oxidation properly to function of goose primary hepatocytes. 

Cited products
Source:Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology      by Zhixiong Pan , Jiwen Wang , Hui Tang , Liang Li , Jia Lv , Chunchun Han , Lu Xia , Feng Xu
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