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Researchers Determine Pancreatic Cancer Tissue Consumption Mechanism
Update time:2018-07-03 19:13:48   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

On June 21, Nature published Altered exocrine function can drive adipose wasting in early pancreatic cancer. This study shows that changes in exocrine function of the pancreas may be the cause of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle depletion in patients with pancreatic cancer.

Changes in cellular metabolism are symptoms exhibited by various cancers. Peripheral tissue depletion is particularly closely related to pancreatic cancer. This metabolic syndrome lowers the quality of life and is also thought to reduce the survival rate of cancer patients. There are many causes of organizational consumption, but it has been difficult to determine the exact underlying mechanism.

Researchers found that the loss of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle occurred early in the development of the disease through the mouse model of pancreatic cancer, and that it caused the growth of pancreatic tumors rather than tumor growth in other parts of the body. They also stated that a decline in the exocrine function of the pancreas will promote the loss of adipose tissue. Supplementation with pancreatic enzymes can reduce peripheral tissue depletion, but it will not increase the survival rate of mice.

Of the 782 pancreatic cancer patients, 65% had symptoms of skeletal muscle depletion at the time of diagnosis. However, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle depletion were not associated with reduced patient survival. Therefore, peripheral tissue depletion in the early stages of pancreatic cancer may be an early warning sign of the disease, but it may not be related to a shorter survival period.

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