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Is Chronic Curcumin Supplementation Neuroprotective Against Ischemia for Antioxidant Activity, Neurological Deficit, or Neuronal Apoptosis in an...
Update time:2016-12-12 19:15:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Is Chronic Curcumin Supplementation Neuroprotective Against Ischemia for Antioxidant Activity, Neurological Deficit, or Neuronal Apoptosis in an Experimental Stroke Model?


Aim: To investigate the neuroprotective effect of chronic curcumin supplementation on the rat forebrain prior to ischemia and reperfusion.

MaterIal and Methods: Forebrain ischemia was induced by bilateral common carotid artery occlusion for 1/2 hour, followed by reperfusion for 72 hours. Older rats were divided into five groups: Group I received 300 mg/kg oral curcumin for 21 days before ischemia and 300 mg/kg intraperitoneal curcumin after ischemia; Group II received 300 mg/kg intraperitoneal curcumin after ischemia; Group III received 300 mg/kg oral curcumin for 21 days before ischemia; Group IV had only ischemia; Group V was the sham-operated group. The forebrain was rapidly dissected for biochemical parameter assessment and histopathological examination.

Results: In forebrain tissue, enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase were significantly higher in Group I than Groups II or III (p
significant reduction in neurological score was observed after 24 and 72 hours in the curcumin-treated groups compared with the ischemic group. We also found a marked reduction in apoptotic index after 72 hours in the groups receiving curcumin. Significantly more TUNEL-positive cells were observed in the ischemic group compared to those treated with curcumin.

ConclusIon: We demonstrated the neuroprotective effect of chronic curcumin supplement on biochemical parameters, neurological scores and apoptosis following ischemia and reperfusion injury in rats.

Keywords: Curcumin, Ischemia, Stroke, Neuroprotective effect, Oxidative stress



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Source:Turk Neurosurg      by ALTINAY S, CABALAR M, ISLER C, et al.
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